Lake of Bays Heritage Foundation

Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas Project

We are looking for your Common Loon,

Barn Swallow or Osprey nesting records!

Did you know that in 2021, the third Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas project started (the other two were in 1981 to 1985 and 2001 to 2005)? The purpose of these 5-year projects is to map the distribution and relative abundance of Ontario’s approximately 300 species of breeding birds. The entire province is divided into squares and local experts attempt to document all breeding bird evidence in their squares.

And you can help!  Have you seen Common Loons with chicks or know where they nested this spring? Do you know of other bird species like Barn Swallow or Osprey in the Lake of Bays area that have successfully nested this year? If so, please send your sightings to Foundation Board member Rick Stronks ( and include the species, date, location, and description of nesting evidence. Your contributions will help with our understanding and protection of birds in Ontario!

For more information:

Photo by Rick Stronks

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